Victor's Life Journal
travel log, pictures, personal finance, news and ramblings

What's going on?

It's been less than three months since I last posted on here, and that ain't bad! Well, at least given my record so far...

Needless to say, this is not my preferred way of keeping in touch with friends; it's way too impersonal. However, it's great for those creepy strangers who want to know what I was up to last Tuesday.

M's in BC right now on a grad trip with Sabine. She's happy now that she's surrounded by mountains and reunited with her backpack. Greyhound managed to lose her luggage on the way to Calgary. She was originally supposed to be back by the long weekend, but now it sounds like she'll be staying a bit longer.

M and I (along with her two brothers) climbed the CN Tower a few weeks ago. I took one second longer than last year to climb. After all the training I did (and none last year!) that was quite disappointing. Worse, I lost to M's brother by 16 seconds. Well, there's always next year...grumble grumble.

The following weekend I ran the Urban Quest in Toronto with Erick, Ryan and Chris. We got third out of 76 participating teams (about 200 less than last year). We were hoping for first or second as that gets your team into a special race at the end of the season with only the top two teams from each of four races. The first place team was made up of very good runners though. Even so, we were first for a few minutes near the end of the race, right before a major screw up. We have two more races in this series to run (since we're not running Ottawa). The next one is July 29th. Results here:

I'm raising money for the MS Bike Tour by selling canned drinks at work for $1. People are apparently much more willing to donate to a good cause when they're buying overpriced goods in the process. I'm hoping to raise at least $200 over the course of the summer. The tour is near the end of July. This year we're adding at least two riders to team TireFire - M and Selena.

I've been trying to plan a bike ride from Oakville to Woodstock but the weather has been rather bad lately. I was hoping to do the ride on the Friday of the May 2-4 long weekend but I forgot to leave clothes at home when I last visited.

I've been working with a personal trainer at GoodLife over the past few weeks. I never believed all the hype about PTs (and I'm still sure there are plenty of bad ones out there) but this guy is really good. He definitely works me harder than I work myself when I'm alone. He has also volunteered to take Erick and I running once a week and give us pointers. Tonight will be our second run together.

Work is picking up. I had my first yearly review and that went well. I'll be doing some training this week and keeping quite busy over the next couple of months. Projects that have been in the works for a few months are starting to come together nicely. Who really wants to hear about work though?

Other that all that, I'm looking for plans for the long weekend. I had plans to go climbing in the US with M and two friends of hers, but now she's not coming back on time from BC so that's out.

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