Victor's Life Journal
travel log, pictures, personal finance, news and ramblings

My Letter of Resignation

Hello xxxxxxxx,

As discussed tonight, M and I have found an opportunity to do some work abroad for a year. This email will constitute my formal resignation notice from Aseco.

This is something we've wanted to try for a while. It allows us an opportunity to travel and for a change of pace and scenery. I don't want to burn any bridges – I can see myself back in Canada in a year's time, and if the economy is better and the company is willing, I’d definitely consider coming back to Aseco. I want to stress that I'm not leaving because I don't like Aseco, but this is something I will regret not doing forever if I don't do it now.

My last day will be March 17th, 2009.

All the best,

Victor Rodriguez


Neat! Ive been tracking this for a while.

Ride to kick cancer's bum

Our friend Tom is trying to raise $2500 to kick cancer's bum by participating in a big bike ride. Want to donate?

Images of human consumption and waste

This is fascinating. No sarcasm.

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