Victor's Life Journal
travel log, pictures, personal finance, news and ramblings

CN Tower / Other

Three exams left. One's in 3.5 hours, another is tomorrow morning. Mel's coming for the weekend (yay!) and we're going to go rollerblading, and to buy her some real jogging shoes.

I'm still looking for CN tower sponsors. I'm at $32 right now, thanks to the latest contribution from Sabeen (thanks!). If you want to sponsor me (even $1, really!), click here:

Click "Sponsor a Climber" and search "Victor Rodriguez." Thank you!

Also, congratulations to Arick on his new job at NVIDIA in sunny California! Unfortunately, this means he can't join us on our grad trip to Europe (May 5 - Jun 9).

Edit: Thanks RJ for getting me up to my goal of $50!!!

Weekend in 'ssauga

I spent this weekend visiting M in Mississauga. On Friday, I got a ride with Erick to Oakville, where Dave had an interview with Carpedia. From there, I walked to GE and waited in the lobby till M finished work. When her mom found me there, she was confused as to whether or not she should have shown up, and almost left. She then had the idea to hide me in the back seat of the car behind a jacket. M came into the car and didn't notice me for a few seconds until her mom asked her if she wanted to sit in the back. Eeep!

We went to Square One on Friday and walked around for a while. I bought rollerblades because we were planning to go to Toronto by skating part of the way there on Saturday. It ended up snowing on Saturday though, so we didn't. Instead, we got a ride from Sabeen and joined a few others for lunch at Salad King. Afterwards, we went to RJ's apartment and got him to come part of the way with us to Greg's Ice Cream, at least until he found out how far we were going. If you go to Greg's, get the toasted marshmallow. Wow!

After ice cream, Sabeen dropped us off at Square One where we spent some time in the pet store looking at the animals, and then we bought some supplies for a cactus garden.
On Sunday, it was too cold to rollerblade again. We went for a walk though, and spoke to a guy with two very cuddly dogs. Ok, I really have to study. Here are some pictures!

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