Victor's Life Journal
travel log, pictures, personal finance, news and ramblings

Weekend in 'ssauga

I spent this weekend visiting M in Mississauga. On Friday, I got a ride with Erick to Oakville, where Dave had an interview with Carpedia. From there, I walked to GE and waited in the lobby till M finished work. When her mom found me there, she was confused as to whether or not she should have shown up, and almost left. She then had the idea to hide me in the back seat of the car behind a jacket. M came into the car and didn't notice me for a few seconds until her mom asked her if she wanted to sit in the back. Eeep!

We went to Square One on Friday and walked around for a while. I bought rollerblades because we were planning to go to Toronto by skating part of the way there on Saturday. It ended up snowing on Saturday though, so we didn't. Instead, we got a ride from Sabeen and joined a few others for lunch at Salad King. Afterwards, we went to RJ's apartment and got him to come part of the way with us to Greg's Ice Cream, at least until he found out how far we were going. If you go to Greg's, get the toasted marshmallow. Wow!

After ice cream, Sabeen dropped us off at Square One where we spent some time in the pet store looking at the animals, and then we bought some supplies for a cactus garden.
On Sunday, it was too cold to rollerblade again. We went for a walk though, and spoke to a guy with two very cuddly dogs. Ok, I really have to study. Here are some pictures!


  • Nice pics of the CN Tower!

    My fave pics are the ones of you making silly faces.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 11:17 PM, April 06, 2005  

  • Yes, you surprised me in the back seat after work on Friday. I got in the car, and spent a good 30 seconds talking to my mom, while you were sitting there, looking pretty. I didn't even look. I think the conversation went:
    Mom:"So, do you want to go sit in the back seat?"
    Mel:"Why would I want to sit in the back s... oh my gosh!! HAhahahaha hahahahaha ahahah ahahaha aha hahaha haha!!!"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 11:20 PM, April 06, 2005  

  • More story with Greg's ice cream:

    Greg's Ice Cream used to be just north of the ROM on Bloor or Dundas or whatever that street is. Becky had told me it had moved to Spadina. Sabs knew it moved too, but she didn't know exactly where. So no one knew where Greg's was. We walked a good 20 mins in icy drizzle before we got to the hopeful intersection. We looked around, and didn't see ice cream. We went into 7-11 to ask for directions. The two old guys working there had no clue where it was. People were looking it up in the phone book, and found the old addy. After a good 5 mins of 8 of us worrying, someone looked out the window, and there it was across the street.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 11:27 PM, April 06, 2005  

  • cactus garden looks great, btw.
    The little one has more than quintupled in size! And all the seeds have sprouted. They're starting to take over my living room. You have to wear kevlar to go in so the spines don't get you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 11:29 PM, April 06, 2005  

  • See, I told you it was far!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 9:51 AM, April 07, 2005  

  • It's ROASTED Marshmallow, Victor!

    My family used to trek it to Greg's Ice Cream regularly for that flavour. I even know how it's made, since I have a friend (David who played keyboard/composed the music we walked down the aisle to and Erin's fiance), who used to work there (way back in first year uni or so). I miss when he worked there because he gave us extra special big scoops.

    Also, if it makes you feel better: I did the same thing you did with regards to Greg's last year. We walked down Bloor to the old location, then we had to walk back to the new one!

    Anyhow, Mel said I can give you hell because I wasn't invited to ANY of her birthday celebrations and you knew about most of them....

    What's up with that?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 12:02 PM, April 08, 2005  

  • But, but...I was only at 2 of them, and one was in TO! And the "party" here in Waterloo was just Steve and I taking her for a bite to eat at Mel's. Anyway, I'm sorry either way :)

    By Blogger Victor, on 9:10 PM, April 08, 2005  

  • Victor has transluscent skin!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 12:59 PM, April 09, 2005  

  • What do you mean translucent skin?!
    (MY monitor is missing the colour red, so I can't tell if you're talking about the pictures, and I want to see!)

    Hey, Danielle... if you read comments: How IS the roasted marshmallow ice cream made? Do they use real marshmallows at all?!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 10:48 PM, April 09, 2005  

  • Yeah RJ, why don't you go ahead and explain this....

    By Blogger Victor, on 1:03 AM, April 10, 2005  

  • Hold his skin up to the light. You can see stuff!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 12:11 PM, April 10, 2005  

  • Hi again Victor,
    We're ALWAYS in Toronto on the weekends!!! The parties being in TO is no excuse. I invited people to our wedding dance from London, not thinking they were going to make it but doing so because it's always nice to be invited. Surprisingly, they DID make it!

    We haven't yet spent a single weekend in Waterloo, so can I still give you hell? I won't if you promise to invite me next year if there are any surprise birthdays for Mel!!! Geez, even my birthday was in Toronto-and it was @ Alleycatz! Oh well.

    BTW: You biked past me yesterday. By the time I figured out it was you though, it was too late :-(

    Mel: Roasted Marshmallow=burned white chocolate. It was an accident and resulted in their most popular flavour! Greg's is going to give me hell now...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 1:46 PM, April 14, 2005  

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