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MS Bike Tour

On July 23rd and 24th, I'll be riding from Grand Bend to London and back to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis. For those who don't know what MS is, here are some random facts:

  • Canadians have one of the highest rates of MS in the world
  • MS is the most common neurological disease affecting young Canadians
  • Every day, three more people in Canada are diagnosed with MS
  • Women are twice as likely to develop MS as men
  • MS can cause loss of balance, impaired speech, extreme fatigue, double vision and paralysis
  • MS was first identified and described by a French neurologist, Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot, in 1868
  • The cause for MS is not known but researchers are closer to finding it
Chris Lawrence's dad has put together a huge team of people that will be riding to raise money. If you'd like to join this team, let me know and I'll put you in contact with him. This is not a sports-intensive event. Many middle-aged people who are quite out of shape complete the ride. It's not a race. Riders stop every 15km for unlimited food and drink. There's a bbq at the end of the ride. You also get massages on both days, and a place to sleep in the Western residences. Please consider riding. Seriously.

On the other hand, if you don't like to ride or are too busy or too lazy, I'm asking for your donations to help out. I figure if I can convince everyone in the world to donate just $0.01 each, that's over 60 million dollars raised for a good cause! Just in case that doesn't happen though, $5 from each of my friends would be nice too.

If you'd like to help out, click on the link below, click on the Pledge a Cyclist button, and search Victor Rodriguez.

Thank you for all your support!


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