Victor's Life Journal
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Yesterday I fought a parking ticket in traffic court and won...Sort of. I plead 'guilty' to the charge of parking more than 3 hours where prohibited and got the fine reduced from $30 to $0. However, since I plead 'guilty', a conviction was entered in some obscure ledger somewhere. Big deal. It's a parking ticket.
Why did I fight a $30 ticket? To experience being in court with no possible negative consequences. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to defend myself in this way.

What a waste of money to the city, too. Three people (judge, court secretary, and city prosecutor) are employed at the traffic court. Meter maids are called in to give testimony. But I suppose the alternative is a system that gives you penalties without the option to defend yourself, which would be worse.

Oh, and for those who are curious, my defense was that I had moved into the property only 2 weeks before the ticket was issued, and was not aware of Oakville's bylaws.

Court tips: Dress up in business casual attire (please don't wear a t-shirt!). Wait your turn quietly. Speak clearly and coherently, without rambling, whining or resorting to slang. Be concise! Prepare what you are going to say ahead of time. Be aware of the facts of the case. Respect the court.


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