Victor's Life Journal
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Open Letter: Market Mom of the Year Junk Mail

This is email is directed to the person who came up with the idea of leaving fliers for the 'Market Mom of the Year Award' on car windshields at the Downsview Park Earth Day Festival.

At this event, there were a number of booths with information relating to the environment, organic food, social activism, etc. One such booth featured a number of motivational posters, magnets and stickers. One memorable sticker read:

"Only a corporate mind could think of cutting down a tree to print a flier to try and sell us a piece of shit we don't need. Stop sending junk mail!"

When I returned to my car at the end of the day, I was disgusted to contrast that message with finding an advertisement for the 'Market Mom' contest on my windshield. The irony of finding the flier after reading that sticker was only overshadowed by my lack of respect for the group who thought it would be a smart idea to use junk mail to advertise at an Earth Day Festival. Not only were the fliers printed on glossy white paper, they were then scattered all over the parking lot by the wind and, I imagine, drivers who were not interested.

Next year, perhaps a few well placed posters or a radio ad could be just as effective in advertising your contest without all the junk.

Thank you for your time,

Victor Rodriguez


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