Victor's Life Journal
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Garage Sale and Utility Usage

This weekend, there was a street-wide garage sale on our street. M and I organized this over the last two weeks by dropping a small paper in every mailbox on the street (80 houses), putting up a few posters, and advertising online.

The weather was beautiful and participation was good. I would estimate we had 12 - 15 houses involved, which isn't bad considering most people's apathy.

We also got to meet a number of neighbors we'd never had a chance to speak to before. One of the many Glen Abbey trails runs along our backyard so many people have a chance to look into our yard on a daily basis. As such, we seem to have become somewhat of a conversation piece. We got questions about our new laundry line (just recently legalized in Ontario). We were also told we always seem to be doing green things. One lady was telling us about her research into sunrooms so we told her we'd already gotten an outlandish quote for one. We've also switched to Bullfrog Power (100% green electricity) and got questions about that. Finally, I was asked if our house is haunted.

These questions got me thinking again about Oakville Hydro's feature where you can compare your usage to that of others in your area. Below are two charts showing ours compared to, supposedly, other similar houses in Glen Abbey.

First, our total electricity and water usage. Our usage cost for the last 60 days was $126.05, so really we should be in the category below, but got bumped up. As you can see, 97% of people used more power and water than us. Now, I know we have no kids, but still. Even with kids, the house still needs to be heated to the same degree, cooking should not use significantly more power, etc. How can the average user use nearly three times as much power and water as us? If people are really strapped for cash as everyone always seems to complain, perhaps they could make a few simple changes to reduce their bills (and reduce their impact on the planet at the same time).

Our electricity usage was more obviously near the bottom. Our total was $58.91, so I think they have to check their charting software a bit more carefully. We should be one category lower ($31 - $60). That puts us below 99% of users. Again, how are people using so much power!?



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