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If You Don't Do it, Nobody Else Will


It is commonly assumed that people participate more in collective action when they believe others will. But local activists often say: "I did it because nobody else would." Investigation of the differences among 1456 Detroit residents who were nonmembers, token members, or active members (either currently active or past leaders) of their neighborhood associations reveals that active members were significantly more pessimistic than token members about the prospects for neighborhood collective action, a finding explained by recent theoretical work on collective action by Oliver et al. (1984). Other findings are that active members are more highly educated than token members; that past leaders know more people and have higher interest in local problems; and that currently active members have more close ties in the neighborhood, like the neighborhood less, and are less likely to be homeowners. Contrasts between members and nonmembers are similar to those found in previous research.

Im looking for anything that explains in detail the logical fallacy of the statement if I dont do this, someone else will that engineers often use to justify working on immoral projects or for immoral companies.



    By Blogger Victor, on 1:40 PM, June 04, 2008  

  • Consider looking for research with the keyword "apathy".

    Why am I posting this? Someone else will probably just answer it for you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, on 2:04 PM, June 04, 2008  

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