Victor's Life Journal
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Morally Bankrupt

An older story I thought about this morning on my bike ride to work…

In 2001, this woman had four drinks and two types of drugs at a party before driving home. On the way, she struck a homeless man (Greg Biggs) who became lodged in her windshield. Instead of stopping and calling 911 or driving to a hospital, she instead chose to drive home and hide her car in the garage. “She then went inside, had sex with her boyfriend, and over the next day or so checked on the man still stuck in her windshield.” Biggs took somewhere between several hours and two dies to die, and during this time pleaded with Mallard to take him to a hospital. She ignored him.

Her two friends (Clete Denel Jackson and Herbert Tyrone Cleveland) helped her dump the body in a park a few days later and set fire to the vehicle to attempt to hide the evidence. They were also charged and jailed. Mallard herself was convicted and sentenced to 50 years imprisonment. In the words of one poster:

“I cannot imagine more morally bankrupt people than these who would let a human suffer to such a degree and not show any remorse.”

Idiocracy-style evidence:

“Mallard became a suspect after she was reported talking about the incident at a party some four months after the events. ‘I hit this white man,’ Mallard allegedly told Daniel, laughing.”

“Jackson, who was [already] facing up to 20 years in prison because he had a prior felony conviction, was sentenced to 10 years in the penitentiary.”

“Afterward, the judge allowed Jackson to visit for a moment with his only supporter in the courtroom, Kerah Scranton, his ex-wife and the mother of four of his nine children.”

“The Tarrant County district attorney's office also agreed not to prosecute Jackson's girlfriend, Raini Dae Ellingson, who was facing perjury charges because of inconsistencies in her statements about the case to a grand jury and at bond reduction hearing.”

And just to prove how slimy some lawyers can be:

“She panicked and made a bad decision … but it has been blown out of proportion.”


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