Wedding Registries
associated bridal showers. Yesterday we went to The Bay armed with 6
registries (the 6 of the 8 that had registries at The Bay) with a plan
to do the bulk of our shopping in one fell swoop. Actually, it went
quite well - well enough that we were done in about 2.5 hours. We had a
tremendous amount of help from two sales associates (who I just sent a
thank you letter to). Without them I think we would still be there going
through SKUs.
A rant on registries: I've never created a registry, but based on what
we saw yesterday, it must be really easy to get carried away. Our
friends, who we generally consider to be rational people, almost without
exception had items on their registry that I would not buy (ever)
regardless of how much money I had. Furthermore, if I was the type to
enjoy fancy and decorative things, I still don't think I'd feel right
having these top of the line items given to me - I'd expect to work hard
and perhaps one day purchase them myself. As a group of newish grads, I
would not expect my also new grad friends to buy me a $190 platter.
That's just nuts. Slash rant.
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