Strange Dream
I had this really crazy dream last night. I was or I was watching some sort of Batman-like figure, but at the beginning of the dream he was in his normal persona (a la Bruce Wayne). He was touring a really tall building (think Empire State building). The building was a kind of monk sanctuary, even though it was modern.
At the top there was a very tall extra structure sort of like one of those old TV antennas on the back of your house, but maybe 100m tall, and these monks that lived in the building would get into the middle of this tower structure and then somehow float up it to the top. At the top, they were doing some kind of experiment or something whereby they were releasing these small packages with mini parachutes from up there.
Then the dream shifted to the building being under attack by a group of shadowy figures. At this point my character went into hero mode and was fighting them off, using something like a squeeze flashlight but they would shoot out a fan of energy that would stun people.
I remembered a lot more just as I was waking up, and wish I'd written it down. Having dreams like this is fun, and puts me in a good mood to start the day. Imagine a book - a year of crazy dreams!
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