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Green Party

Date: Monday, 1 September, 2008, 4:41 PM CBC's The National will be

doing a piece on whether the Green Party should be in the debates

tonight. AFTER this airs, we need as many people as possible to call

into CBC and to call CTV to support and demand Elizabeth May's

inclusion in the debates.

CBC: You can call The National here: 1-800-565-1422 Also, The National

has other ways for viewers to get in contact here, including emails,

webcam messages, etc. CBC's corporate headquarters in Toronto is


CTV: 613-236-7343 in Ottawa (you can ask for Robert Hurst, CTV News

head and head of the broadcast consortium) and Toronto: (416)


Please forward this email far and wide, to any Greens or even

non-Greens who support democracy.

Points to make when you call:

-The Green Party receives federal funding from the taxpayers of Canada

and those who fund our party must not be prevented from hearing what

we have to say during the most critical campaign event of an election: the debates.

-We are at or above the Bloc Quebecois' support in national vote

intention polls - around 10 percent. Why should Canadians have to hear

from Gilles Duceppe when most of us can't vote for him but yet are

prevented from hearing what the Green Party has to say when we run


-We have a sitting MP in the House of Commons. One MP was good enough

to include Preston Manning in the debates in 1993, it was good enough

to include Lucien Bouchard in the debates in 1993, and it's good

enough to include Elizabeth May in the debates in 2008.

-We are a national party and run across the country. The Bloc and

Reform parties never did this yet were included in debates.

-77% of Canadians wants us in the debates according to two separate

national polls, one by us and one by Harris-Decima polling.

-The airwaves are publicly-owned and the public wants to hear from the

Green Party.


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