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2008 Canadian Federal Election Results

Is it looking a little blue in here?

Overall results:

2008 Riding Map:

2006 Riding Map:

Interesting to see what a difference the MMP system could make here. For example, in this election the Liberals lost 4% of the popular vote. Approximately 1% each went to the Conservatives,
NDP, and Greens. The Bloc also lost about 1%, and that went to the Greens too.

However, in terms of seats, the Liberals lost 27 seats (26% reduction from 2006). 19 of those seats went to the Conservatives, with the rest going to the
NDP. Despite a 2% gain in popular support, the Greens did not get a seat (in fact, lost the single seat they had).

This means that even though the Bloc got about 10% of the vote, and the Greens got about 7%, the Bloc have 50 seats and the Greens have 0. It is truly shameful how few people had any idea what they were voting for in the MMP referendum.

Had MMP been in effect, here is what the seat breakdown would have looked like (vs 2008 election results):

CON - 116 (vs 143)
LIB - 81 (vs 76)
- 31 (vs 50)
- 56 (vs 37)
- 2 (same)
- 21 (vs 0)
- 1 (vs 0)

Note that MMP rules involve some minimum thresholds. I believe a party must have at least 3% of the vote in order to any seats. This means both the IND and OTH seats might have gone to other parties.

Based on personal observations as the election unfolded and from past history, in GENERAL:

- Liberals do well in most large cities
- Liberals do well in areas with a high population of immigrants
- Conservatives do well in small towns and rural areas
- Conservatives do well in areas with a high population of rich people who have more to lose
- Conservatives do well in areas with a high population of Caucasian Canadians who have lived in Canada for multiple generations
- The Bloc does well in rural Quebec
- The NDP does well in poorer areas and fares badly in richer areas
- Greens get most support in areas with highly-educated populations

Maps created by CBC.


  • On voter apathy:

    Apparently this was the Canadian [federal] election with the lowest voter turnout ever at 59%.

    By Blogger Victor, on 11:28 AM, October 15, 2008  

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