Victor's Life Journal
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Hike to Preikestolen

Slippery ice + 600m drops = scary. Now I understand why the hike is not recommended in winter! Nevertheless, we saw a lot of people there today. Great weather, and noticeably colder at the top.

Taken from the ferry from Luvvik to Oanes:

At the parking lot:

On the way up:

Just a bit higher:

East view of Lysefjorden ('the light fjord') from Preikestolen ('pulpit rock'):

West view from Preikestolen (604m drop):

View of Preikestolen:

On the way down:

This last picture is of the hardest part of the ascent, at least in winter. What you are looking at is a slippery narrow ledge with a 600m drop on one side. No barriers, and only rocks to hold on to. I think this would be MUCH easier in summer, but still scary!

Edit: This was not taken by me but I wish I had done something similar! (oops, now I have to go back)


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