Victor's Life Journal
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Greenify Your Life

I received a message:

"By the way,  I read a bit of your book on-line victor.  It has some good points.  However, I found it very ironic that you can never make money from it because by printing it you would become a hypocrit."

My response:

Hey, I'm happy you took a look at the book. As of yesterday, I changed the download link to GoogleDocs because I felt the download site I was using was too full of banners and ads.

I never really expected to make money from it; I just felt good publishing a list I had been informally compiling for a while.

That being said, there is a tip jar that downloaders can contribute to if they wish, no printing required. It worked reasonably well for Steven King with The Plant, and (possibly) for Roger Williams with The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. I haven't made a penny from this book, but it's been downloaded over 250 times and I like seeing that number.

Still, I feel that if someone decided to print the book and implement a few of its suggestions, the net environmental benefit would be positive.

Greenify Your Life


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