Victor's Life Journal
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Is Pascal's Wager Really the Best you've Got?

Why is Pascal's wager such a failure?

* The assumption that if a god really exists, he or she set up an afterlife with a heaven and hell

* The assumption that if a god really exists, he or she cares about belief in him/her above all else

* The assumption that if you believe in a god, it will definitely be the same god that actually exists.

* The assumption that you lose nothing if it's false. Religious belief costs people plenty - money donated to churches, time spent praying, marriages ending because of religious differences, lives lost because of relying on prayers or refused medical care, wars... need I go on?

* The assumption that people can believe in something simply because it benefits them. Would you believe goblins exist for twenty bucks? Why not?

* The assumption that any god won't see through the "believing just to get into heaven" ploy.


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